Statni Opera Praha (State Opera)
This great State Opera House, within close range of popular Hostels, Hotels, and Bed
and Breakfasts is any director’s dream with its rotating stage that gives them the chance to test their skills. Built in 1880 its main purpose was to stage German drama and music.
Needless to say, you need the best and most affordable accommodation in Prague that is closely situated to some of the best tourist attractions in the whole of Central Europe to fully enjoy all Prague has to offer.
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its really great thanks for sharing
its really great thanks for sharing
Call our country Czechia, please. Our country has more than 1200 years old history and only very small part of it is the history of republican system. Czechia is a geographical name, which is independent on time and state-political changes in the country, thus, it can be used for our country both in historical and contemporary context. Not necessary to use that clumsy political name (Czech Republic), which has been existed only since 1993. Thank you.
yes, CZECHIA http://www.goczechia.com