The region of New England, located in the north United States, experiences four distinct seasons and is made up of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. New England is a treasure trove of mountains, hills, lakes and hiking trails that are an integral part of the magnificent landscape. There are a great number of hiking trails that are perfect for a one day hike.
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1. West Kennebago Mountain Trail in Oquossoc, Maine is a 5 mile round trip hike through a hardwood forest that leads into the pine woods. The summit is located at 3,700 feet, and the climb to get there is a challenge. The grades are steep, but levels off at the fire wardens cabin, before becoming steep again. Once at the summit, the view of the Rangeley Lakes region is spectacular and definitely worth the climb.
2. Great Island Trail at the Cape Cod National Seashore in Massachusetts is a 7 mile round trip along the Great Island Trail in Cape Cod. The hike takes about three hours through soft sand, marsh and woods which qualify it as a hike and not just a walk. The hiking trail is well marked as it makes its way around the marsh to a spot where fishing fans can catch blue fish and stripers. The trail will come out of the woods and back around the marsh where the towering dunes frame Wellfleet Harbor. After passing Great Beach Hill, the trail continues through the Jeremy Flats. The last half of the trail is two and a half miles around the beach to complete the hike.
3. Mount Jefferson in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest in New Hampshire is a 6.5 mile hike in the third largest mountain in New England. The beginning of the trail is a series of scrambles and ledges and will take the hiker up 2,700 feet to above the tree line. The next part of the trail is devoid of protection from the elements, so be prepared. The trail back offers magnificent views of Mount Washington. The trails follow a series of cairns and back through the forest to Jefferson Notch, the point of beginning.
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4. Pine Knob Loop near Housatonic Meadows State Park in Connecticut is a short, 2.5 mile hike through Litchfield Hills. The trail starts at Hatch Brook and runs through the first forest knob of hickory, ash and oak trees. The trail meets the Appalachian Trail at its turning point as it heads back to the beginning. The trail will continue back through a Pine Knob and back along the Hatch Brook.
5. Mount Abraham in the Green Mountain National Forest in Vermont is a 5 mile hike that begins at Camels Hump with a 1,700 foot climb to the summit. The trail is one way and weaves its way over rocks and crannies until the Battell Trail Shelter. The trail picks up in challenge as the descent is rocky. If the rocks are wet they become extremely be slippery so watch out!
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This article was written by TheSmartLad.com, the online leader in climbing ropes.