Traveling by plane has always been one of the greatest dreams of human beings, perhaps because flying was a privilege held only for birds and almost forbidden for our species a long time ago. This until the fabulous Wright brothers turned their dreams and imaginations into something tangible that allowed humans to soar through the skies.
Arrive on time for your first plane trip
Although it may not seem like it, it is essential to arrive at the airport quickly. This is to carry out the documentation of your luggage and the necessary paperwork if you travel abroad. This will give you plenty of time before boarding your first flight. The most recommended thing is that if it is a national flight, you arrive two hours before. For international destinations, four hours is best, as the lines to check luggage can be very long.
You have arrived in time, and now? The first thing is that you locate the area where the documentation counters of your airline are located. Many airports have more than one terminal; Look at the reservation in which terminal the airline is located.
Once there, come over and show your identity documents; this process is known as documentation or check-in.
Pre-booking your airport parking
Stress-free parking is the best. There is nothing more stressful than driving to the airport and trying to find a parking space with a free parking space. Save money. The earlier you reserve, the more likely it is to find a lower price—no need to secure the airport in advance. You may pay more than expected for a seat!
Save money by booking parking spaces online and exploring the different options and prices available. For instance just search for Book your parking at the Crowne Plaza JFK, if you are flying from JFK. It will list down the websites offering parking services, you can just book it from there. Reduce the waste of time looking for empty parking spaces. By booking, you can easily access the reserved parking space of your choice and focus on more important things.
Safety filters before flying
Before reaching the lounge where you will board your flight, it is necessary to go through the security filters. These are nothing more than a review measure to ensure your well-being and that of other passengers within the airport facilities.
Indeed you wonder what an airport security filter is? To enter the waiting room, you must go through a metal detector and your suitcase by X-ray. So bring comfortable footwear and a light jacket, as well as a bag or suitcase where you have very well located your electronic devices (digital cameras, computer, cell phone, tablet, cables, and batteries).
This is because they will ask you to take them out of your carry-on luggage and put them on a tray to be X-rayed.
Hand luggage dimensions
Choosing the right suitcase is essential. The type and size of the one that best suits your needs will depend on many factors. Such as the duration of the flight or the time you will spend at your destination.
If we focus on how to prepare hand luggage for a low-cost flight in which you do not have to go through check-in, the most important thing you should know is that each company imposes its rules, so before you start doing the suitcase, make sure of the dimensions of the hand luggage that you can take.
Those who fear flying (aerophobia) or other reasons have not yet been able to do so. We suggest following these steps so that you do not suffer from the stress or nerves that all of us who have ever traveled by plane suffer. The reality is that traveling by plane is not as complicated as some movies recreate it, and we only have to do some paperwork before traveling.