A holiday might not be an essential, but I think it’s very important to take a step back from work and home life and enjoy some downtime. Otherwise, you’ll quickly run yourself into the ground, and a getaway is important to help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle whatever lies ahead.
You might feel as though saving for a holiday is out of the question, especially in light of a recent uSwitch.com survey which found almost a quarter of Brits break even each month, leaving nothing left for savings or emergencies.
However, I’ve come up with five of the best ways to put cash to one side for a relaxing cruise holiday, such as the ones that depart from Southampton by MSC Cruises.
1. Cut back on socialising
According to the poll, 41 per cent of people are cutting back on going out with friends and family, and I definitely recommend this as one way to save money. The price of food and drinks can soon add up, so instead of missing out on quality time with your loved ones, suggest they all bring a dish of food and come to yours for a dinner party.
2. Be strict at the supermarket
One of the easiest and my favourite ways to save money is to sit down each week and decide what the meals are going to be for the following days. I check the cupboards, fridge and freezer and write down any missing ingredients on my shopping list and buy these only.
Try and stick to meals that share similar ingredients to slash your bills further. I kept finding I was throwing out loads of veg, so now when I plan a dish that includes the likes of peppers, onions and mushrooms, I think of other meals that I could use these in too.
3. Don’t be afraid to haggle
I don’t mean at the supermarket, but rather with your energy, broadband and mobile phone providers. Go on to a price comparison site and see if you’re really getting the cheapest deal you could be. People’s unwillingness to move suppliers out of habit can cost them a fortune over the years, so don’t fall into this trap.
If you really don’t want to take your business elsewhere, tell your current provider you’ve found a better offer at a rival – they should soon start to negotiate with you in bringing your payments down.
4. Look at holidays that cater to your needs
When looking at the different cruises on offer, it can be easy to get carried away and end up dreaming about the most luxurious ship and packed itinerary on offer. While there’s nothing wrong with this, if finances are tight, it’s a better idea to pick a break that meets your needs.
If all you want to do is escape from work for a week and don’t mind too much about having constant blazing sun, consider ships that depart from Southampton and explore destinations closer to home, such as Amsterdam and Barcelona. These are still stunning and interesting to visit; it’ll just mean you don’t have to face a costly flight.
5. Get spending savvy
It’s easy to bury your head in the sand when it comes to your finances, but take the time to sit down and make a note of everything you spend money on, no matter how small. You might be shocked – or pleasantly surprised – at your situation, but it’ll give you a good idea of where you can cut back and how much spare cash you actually have.
Do you have any tips for saving for a holiday? Leave your favourite ones below.
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