An overseas trip is exciting and enriching in equal measures but inevitably, there will be times when you feel as though you’re missing the company of loved ones, especially if you’re a single traveller. Luckily, there are lots of ways to keep in close contact with those most important to us, and we’ve rounded up some of the best here.
Trusty apps
Keep connected through your smart phone with apps that allow you to stay in touch with those at home without much cost to yourself. All you need is a WiFi connection and to have the app downloaded to your phone (and the recipient’s) and you’re set. Old favourites WhatsApp, FaceTime and Viber will rarely let you down and can be used for a mixture of audio and video calls and sending videos and images. Determine what you need so you download the right app to your phone.
Good old-fashioned snail mail
Perfect if you have a postcard, letter or parcel to send or have delivered – you can’t beat receiving things in the post. For travellers who are away for longer periods of time, or those in far flung locations in the deepest darkest countryside of Canada or similar, there are simple to use services like Pass My Parcel which can prove to be a god-send if you need to be sure of receiving objects whilst abroad.
Hit the blogosphere
For a social way to keep your friends and family in the loop, a trip abroad presents the perfect opportunity to start a blog, and all for free, as long as you have an internet connection. Some travellers find it helps them to unwind and keep a digital log of their adventures, and it can even build up a following for those interested in your latest whereabouts, whether friends or strangers.
Keep it chatty
For an affordable one-size-fits-all method, ChatSim is a great solution if you’re concerned about not being able to get into WiFi spots. It’s a SIM card that, for a yearly fee, allows you to send unlimited messages (and emojis if you’re an avid user) via instant messaging apps like Facebook, LINE and telegram by connecting to local roaming operators in over 160 countries. If you need additional services like voice calls and video messaging, all you have to do is purchase extra credit and you’ll be good to go.
With a good mixture of digital and old-fashioned methods, you can guarantee your loved ones will keep updated with all the news you need to share and you’ll be able to access the information you need to know.