Why Is Good Friday So Important And When It Gets Celebrated?
When is Good Friday in 2013?
Good Friday is commemorated across the globe by all who believe in the one act of salvation as displayed by the savior Christ Jesus who gave his life on behalf of many.
Good Friday takes places on March 29, 2013.
Most if not all Christians show their respects by means of prayer, fasting, repentance, and meditating by reflecting on the agony and pain that Jesus suffered on the cross at Calvary. This holiday is also known as Black Friday, Great Friday or Easter Friday and is observed during the start of the Easter weekend.
The year AD 33 was the year when Jesus Christ was crucified on behalf of many and what is particularly noteworthy is that full moon can be seen at the time of his commemoration each year. Friday, April 6 is when passover begins, which is a celebration by the Jews in remembrance of being freed from slavery in Egypt when they made their way to the promised land.
Good Friday – Start of Easter Weekend Celebrations
Most people make use of the Easter holidays to get away for a bit, while also showing their respects to their savior, Jesus Christ. Prior to Good Friday you will find that many flights are fully booked as people make their plans to get away. It is also a time for caution as there are often reports of traffic accidents during this time.
Once again, when planning to travel on the roads, caution and respect for other road users need to be displayed by not forgetting to plan your trip in advance and ensuring that you take a break at least every two hours if you should travel by car. This way your chances of staying alert is so much better while giving your kids a well deserved break in between.
Another great idea is to arrange for a sleep over should you plan to undertake a very long journey. Drivers also need to ensure that they do not consume any liquor while driving, so that they can be alert at all times.
The whole idea behind Good Friday for people all over the world is to show their appreciation that Jesus Christ offered his life on behalf of everyone. It is also a great way of spending valuable time with your family and therefore it is to be enjoyed by making the most of your getaway.
Children and adults alike will be looking forward to this joyous time as there will be much time spend on a variety of activities which will start on Good Friday March 29, 2013.
Happy Good Friday 2013!