Amazing places to hear live jazz
Jazz festivals, in particular, are being celebrated around the globe like never before. Music buffs never had this luxury before as there are so many cool festivals out there. So grab your shades and try out some of these cool venues.
1. St. Lucia Jazz Festival
The annual jazz festival that takes place in Saint Lucia, a Caribbean Island, is an internationally-renowned event that brings together musicians from different parts of island together. In addition to the jazz music, Calypso and R&B also gets played during this festival. This jazz festival is possibly the most popular event to be held in the island, next only the Trinidad Carnival. The event was first organized in 1992 and back then only 4 different locations were selected for the occasion. However today, the event has spread across many different areas.
2. New Orleans Jazz Festival
This is one jazz festival that has roots originating since the beginning of 20th century when an interesting fusion of different forms of music took place. If you go to this festival you are sure to have an amazing experience. From big parades to tiny club venues, you will have everything covered through this jazz festival. If you want to experience different kinds of sounds you need to head to New Orleans festival.
3. The Montreal Jazz Festival
This is possibly one of the biggest music events you will come across in this world. The event is so popular that it is attended by no less than 2500 musicians from different parts of the globe. The entire show is so big that you can cover more than 350 events outdoor and more than 150 of them at indoor locations. The best part is that you can listen to different forms of music including traditional, folk, electro, funk, soul, jazz, etc. Spread over eleven days, this musical extravaganza adds its own color to the summer of Montreal and manages to attract millions of people.
4.Cape Town Jazz Festival
The jazz festival of Cape Town is easily the grandest one of its kind in the whole of Africa. The festival gets covered in 2 days and easily attracts more than 40 artists or international bands. All in all, the music festival provides an excellent blend of different kinds of music. The Green Market Square, the area within the city that hosts this festival comes to life once this festival gets kicked off in a grand style. 5. Copenhagen Jazz Festival You need to head to Copenhagen to experience what jazz festivals are all about. This annual musical events manages to attract thousands of people from the city and elsewhere. The event is spread across 10 days and as many as 100 venues are selected for this festival. Some of the biggest names can be caught performing at beautiful venues like the Tivoli Gardens and the Royal Theatre.