United Kingdom Bank Holidays
The bank holidays in England include Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. It is good to note workers do not automatically get to take time off on public holidays. Sometimes they are expected to work and get compensated with time off or extra pay for working on a bank holiday.
There are currently eight permanent bank holiday in England and Wales. But there is an additional one for the year 2012 due to Queen Elizabeth’s 60th year on the throne on 5 June 2012.
Check also: Irish Bank Holidays Calendar
Dates of UK Public Holidays 2012
2 January 2012 – New Year’s Day – Due to 1 January falling on a Sunday, New Year’s are observed and celebrated on 2 January for 2012 only. This day marks the end of the Christmas break and is generally considered to be a quiet day for most in the UK.
6 April 2012 – Good Friday – This day is granted to working people throughout the UK to commemorate the death of Jesus on the Cross. Many people can be seen eating warm hot cross buns on this day, where the pastry on the bun serves to remind all Christians of the cross Jesus was killed on.
9 April 2012 – Easter Monday – All Christians in the UK commemorates Jesus Christ’s resurrection on this day which also marks the end of the Easter celebrations. The year 2012 saw the launch of Veterans for Peace.
7 May 2012 – May Day Bank Holiday – Called the sexiest month of the year in England. Known to be a time for letting one’s hair down in the UK. There are talks by the ministers of moving May Day celebrations to October in order to extend the tourist season.
4 June 2012 – Spring Bank Holiday/Late May Bank Holiday – Moved to coincide with Diamond Jubilee Day on 5 June. It generally falls on the last Monday in May. All kinds of celebrations and festivals take place during this time which includes music festivals in various parts of the UK.
5 June 2012 – Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – Communities all around the UK will be celebrating the extended holiday weekend starting on 2 June through 5 June 2012. Various events will coincide with this joyous occasion, including the Epsom Derby, Big Jubilee Lunch, Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant, Concert at Buckingham Palace, and thanksgiving as well as carriage procession on Tuesday 5 June 2012.
27 August 2012 – Summer Bank Holiday – On the last Monday of August. It marks the end of summer holidays and marks the beginning of school and for workers to return to work. Many people take short vacations or make use of the opportunity to catch up on working in their homes or gardens.
25 December 2012 – Christmas Day – The time of year that most people look forward too. Especially children who love the prospect of waking up on Christmas day to find their huge stocking filled to the brim with all kinds of goodies and presents by Father Christmas.
26 December 2012 – Boxing Day – The day after Christmas. Most people in the UK continues their Christmas celebrations on this day and make sure to enjoy some more of the delicious eats they had from the day before. Generally, loads of football matches, other sporting events and racing takes place on this day. Beagling, rubber ducky races, and all sorts of events are participated in by all.